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Author: secretariat

Optická sieť –; stage no. 5


From 29.10.2024 do 08.12.2024 sa bude pokračovať s realizáciou výkopových prác etapy č. 5 optickej siete na uliciach Štefanovská, Sunny, Mesačná a Veterná.

FibreTel will answer technical questions regarding the construction and implementation of the works, s.r.o., which Slovak Telekom, a.s. authorized for implementation works. In representation: Martin Rakovsky 0901 751 248 - site manager.

The construction of the optical network is based on the valid zoning decision File no:OcÚ-Výst.71/2021CA-1783.

Mapa 5.etapy: Optická sieť Častá –; 5.Častovská 50ka -

Oznam –; Autumn extermination of public spaces in the village of Častá

We inform the citizens, that based on the request of the Regional Office of Public Health to carry out autumn pest control, dňa16.10.2024 profesionálna firma zabezpečujúca deratizáciu rozmiestnila rodent control stations (black plastic cabinets marked with a warning sticker) na verejných priestranstvách a pri kontajneroch na kuchynský odpad.

We call on citizens not to manipulate the rodent control - not to throw it away and to increase their caution in supervising minor children and in caring for pets., which could come into contact with rodent control stations.