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Minutes, resolutions, extract of the resolution and audio recording from II. regular public meeting of the OZ held on the day 06.06.2024

Zápisnica OZ 06.06.2024

point no. 2 UZN no. 1- II.OZ –; 2024 Voľba návrhovej komisie Obecného zastupiteľstva

point no. 3 UZN no. 2-II. -OZ –; 2024 Approval of the meeting program of the Municipal Council

point no. 4 UZN no. 3 -II. -OZ –; 2024 Control of the implementation of resolutions

point no. 5 UZN no. 4 -II.- OZ-2024 verejné vypočutie občanov

point no. 6 UZN no. 5 -II.- OZ-2024 dotácie MFSR

point no. 7 UZN no. 6 -II.- OZ-2024 Optická sieť Zmluva Slovanet

point no. 8 UZN no. 7 -II.- OZ-2024 Záverečný účet v

point no. 8 Final account of the municipality Častá for the year. 2023

point no. 8 ZÚ 2023 stanoviskoHK

point no. 9 finančné vyhodnotenie projektov ZŠ a MŠ

point no. 9 UZN no. 8 -II.- OZ-2024 financovanie ZŠ a MŠ

point no. 10 UZN no. 9 -II.- OZ-2024 schválenie žiadosti p. Jáchymová a p. Klásek a KZ v

point no. 10 Zverejnenie zámeru prevodu NM obce z dôvodu hodného osobitného zreteľa

point no. 13 UZN no. 10-II-OZ-2024 Zmluva o zriadení vecného bremena.-

point no. 14 UZN no. 11 -II.- OZ-2024 udelenie súhlasu s Uzatvorením Zmluvy o podnájme -ambulancia ortotetické centrum

point no. 15 UZN no. 12 -II.- OZ-2024 aktualizácia Zmluvy Radiolan Slovanet, poverenie starostu podpisom v

point no. 16 UZN no. 13 -II.- OZ-2024 Kapitálové výdavky – vodozádržné opatrenia a prístrešok na hasičskej zbrojnici

Extract from the Resolution from OZ 06.06.2024

Zvuková nahrávka OZ 6.6.2024 1.section

Zvuková nahrávka OZ 6.6.2024 2.section


Minutes, resolutions, extract of the resolution from I. regular public meeting of the OZ held on the day 14.03.2024

UZN no. 1-I.OZ –; 2024 Establishment of a design committee of the Municipal Council in Časta

UZN no. 2-I. -OZ –; 2024 Approval of the meeting program of the Municipal Council in Časta

UZN no. 3-I. -OZ –; 2024 Control of the implementation of resolutions

UZN no. 4 -I.- OZ-2024 Public hearing of citizens

UZN no. 5-I.-OZ-2024 Subsidies to civic associations

UZN no. 6-I.-OZ-2024 Project intentions

UZN no. 7-I.-OZ-2024 Informácia k realizácii –; ambulance, sidewalk

UZN no. 8-I.-OZ-2024 Adjustment of the budget for investments of the municipality-ZŠ with Kindergarten

UZN no. 9-I.-OZ-2024 Report of the chief controller on the result of the financial control of the management of the property of the municipality and the concluded contracts on the transfer of the property of the municipality of Častá in 2022 during the construction of the building ,,Rozšírenie priestorových kapacít MŠ Častá prístavbou”;

UZN no. 10-I.-OZ-2024 Prenájom pozemku –; terasa a pergola –; Cafe under the Tower

UZN no. 11-I.-OZ- 2024 Supplementing the commission of the municipal council with new members

UZN no. 12-I.-OZ-2024 Agreement on the establishment of an easement between the municipalities of Častá and Západoslovenská distribučná, a.s.

UZN no. 13a)-I.-OZ-2024 Correction of wording Acknowledgment. C. 12 -VIII/OZ/2023.

UZN no. 13b)-I.OZ -2024 Correction of typographical error in Uzn. No. 10-VIII-OZ-2023

Extract of the resolution from I. meeting of the OZ 14.03.2024

Minutes from I.OZ 14.03.2024

Sound recording

Minutes, resolutions, extract of resolutions and audio recording from IX. regular public meeting of the OZ held on the day 20.12.2023

UZN no. 1-IX –; OZ –; 2023 Establishment of a draft committee of the Municipal Council

UZN no. 2-IX –; OZ –; 2023 Approval of the meeting program of the Municipal Council

UZN no. 3-IX- OZ-2023 Public hearing of citizens

UZN no. 4-IX-OZ- 2023 Method of registration. additional financing of primary and kindergarten projects

UZN no. 5-IX-OZ- 2023 Method of registration. additional financing of primary and kindergarten projects

UZN no. 6-IX-OZ- 2023 Method of registration. additional financing of primary and kindergarten projects

Extract of resolution IX OZ 20.12.2023

Minutes from IX.OZ 20.12.2023


Sound recording

Warning: The audio recording is incomplete due to a malfunction on the recording device.

Minutes, resolutions, extract of resolutions and audio recording from VIII. of the regular OZ held on the day 07.12.2023

Minutes from VIII.OZ 7.12.2023

Extract of resolutions from VIII. meeting of the OZ

UZN no. 1- VIII-OZ –; 2023 Establishment of a draft committee of the Municipal Council

UZN no. 2- VIII -OZ –; 2023Approval of the meeting program of the Municipal Council

UZN no. 3 ; VIII -OZ –; 2023 Control of the implementation of resolutions

UZN no. 4-VIIII-OZ-2023 Proposal for a control activity plan for I. polrok 2024 ;

UZN no. 5 -VIII –; OZ –; 2023 NM ambulance for rent

UZN no. 6 ; VIII -OZ -2023 VZN 6-2023 about waste

UZN no. 7 ; VIII- OZ-2023 VZN no. 7-2023 – on the local fee for municipal waste and small construction waste

UZN no. 8 ; VIII –; OZ –; 2023 VZN no. 8-2023 o výške príspevkov v školách…;

UZN no. 9 -VIII -OZ –; 2023 HK's opinion on the budget.

Opinion of the HK on the budget proposal 20224docx

Budget of the municipality of Častá for years 2024,2025,2026

UZN no. 10-VIII-OZ- 2023 Budget for 2024, 2025, 2026

UZN no. 11-VIII-OZ-2023 Mayor's salary

UZN no. 12 VIII-OZ-2023 Salary chief controller

UZN no. 13 VIII -OZ 2023 The reward of the deputy mayor

UZN no. 14 -VIII-OZ -2023 Remuneration to the chairpersons of the OZ commissions of the village of Častá

UZN no. 15 -VIII –; OZ –; 2023 Construction of educational trail

UZN no. 16 ; VIII-OZ- 2023 Supplementing the commission of the municipal council with new members

UZN no. 17 -VIII- OZ-2023 Public hearing of citizens

Sound recording