The village of Častá, Kindergartens and Kindergartens and Kindergartens are invited 12.5. on Mother's Day, ktorý oslávime od 14-16 h. v Pastor. centre sv. Jozefa a po 16 h. in the premises of the District Office. Viac info
The new premises of the Častá Primary and Kindergarten will be open to the public on Saturday 16.3. from 15,30 –; 18 h. v rámci Prehliadky pre verejnosť.
BVS notification -, a.s. Export of separated waste components -, that 13.3.2024 from 8-13 h. bude odstavená voda v celej obci, z dôvodu vykonávania plánovanej opravy verejného vodovodu.
BVS notification -, a.s. Export of separated waste components -, that 13.3.2024 from 8-13 h. bude odstavená voda v celej obci, z dôvodu vykonávania plánovanej opravy verejného vodovodu.
BVS notification -, a.s. Export of separated waste components -, that 13.3.2024 from 8-13 h. bude odstavená voda v celej obci, z dôvodu vykonávania plánovanej opravy verejného vodovodu.
The municipal office informs citizens, who cannot find the login data for the application of the export company OLO, Read this guide, that they can get the necessary information at 0336400158 or in person at the OU
The municipal office informs citizens, who cannot find the login data for the application of the export company OLO, Read this guide, that they can get the necessary information at 0336400158 or in person at the OU