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World War



In the last days of July 1914. citizenship of our community expected tense future events. Everyone talked about the war, and these rumors were confirmed, when some reservists were called up to their military units. At the behest of the superior lords, the municipal office was still in service day and night.
Many people went to the field the day before, bundle grain, when on 1. augusta rattled the drum o 3.30 and announced a general mobilization. The decrees were brought by a clerk from the servant's office from Senec by car. They were immediately posted, people, and especially soldiers, read them tensely. On the same day, drafted soldiers gathered in front of the common house, who were to enlist immediately. To the small exceptions of cheerful people, all present, soldiers, mothers, sisters, brothers, fathers, children cried, when o 13 throw the sad procession on 8 cars, untying our midfielders. Last waving, tear-soaked handkerchief and carriages with our loved ones disappeared from sight; some of them said goodbye forever, they no longer saw their home, your loved ones.

The next day they left, who had to enlist in 24 throw since the announcement of the mobilization. Opinion generally prevailed, that the war for 3 – 4 months end. The jokers comforted their relatives at home with words: "Don't cry, we will almost come home and bring you the "Russians" for a delicacy. "No one thought, that the war will last up to four years. The soldiers left for the station in Šenkvíce. However, the trains were very crowded and therefore the bolder immediately returned home and enlisted until the second - third day.. On the first days of the mobilization, a kind of chaos was seen right during the transport, so one of them relieved himself, who did not want to go to war: "The war was a monster, is and will be. They don't care about us at the beginning, which will be later?"Otherwise, all the obligors enlisted properly, order and calm by the population has not been violated.
Meanwhile, those staying at home in a cramped mood were expecting more events. The first rumors of the wounded, sick, the fallen caused a great pain and grief in many families. The terrible tragedy began, which has no end in its consequences even today!
They haven't been spared since the recruitment either, who were not soldiers in peace. There were additional levies, on which they took where whom, when he only had full limbs. After all, a lot of human material was needed. The levies were repeated several times a year.
Horses of military service were taken, even more carriages. The only car in the village. Pálffy was also taken.

Maintenance allowance.
Wives and poor parents of soldiers, as their nourishment depended on the recruited and they were poor, received a maintenance allowance 10 K per month, according to property conditions.
During the year 1915. recruited a larger number of young people, able-bodied people, resulting in a severe labor shortage. Field work, even the most difficult, had to be done by women, elderly and older children. The workers' wages rose from day to day. To families, who requested it, prisoners, especially Russians, were sent, Serbs and Romanians, which they replaced after a few months. There used to be them in our village 15 – 20, however, they did not replace the depleted workforce.

Requirement. Lack of food and other articles.
At the beginning of the year 1916. there was a great shortage of food, whereby their prices suddenly rose. This was used by ketasi, against which every supreme measure was in vain. Grain and toppings were reduced, they left farmers only a small amount of crop for seed and food. Bolder - thank God, that there were most of them - they kept the amount of the harvest, from which they helped the poor and the poor. This condition has worsened over the years 1917 – 18, when nothing could be bought in sufficient quantities for money. The mills could only grind on a voucher issued by a notary office. However, a lot of grain was ground for this, even without vouchers "under hand." Food was issued only on tickets (placards) a to: sugar, flour, ointment, soap, salt, even tobacco. However, the allotment was so small, that everyone had to get out of it, if he wanted to eat. Rice, coffee beans, sugar, kerosene could not be obtained at all. Later requisitions were very strict; held with the assistance of soldiers, who have crossed where in the house. Every person, who bought some grain for a lot of money, he had to keep it very well, the villain had to be afraid of informers. Purchase, the sale and transport of grain always took place only under the cover of darkness at night. They went from our village to buy grain and flour to the neighboring villages, richer in cereals and especially Štefanová, Borovou, Long, etc.. In year 1916. there was already a great shortage of clothes and shoes. It shone with all sorts of tallow wicks, oils incorporated and carbitol. The shoes were irritated with wood, leather soles, so as not to be beaten with iron nails and flats. All goods were counterfeited by all kinds of substitutes, the leather was made of paper, similarly cloth. The ground beans were mixed into the flour, sweet corn, chestnuts, in tobacco was 50 % beech leaf prepared with nicotine, however, the prices of these products were very high, when he bought them under his arm. The flour was behind 3.- 5.- documented in 10.- crowns, Shoes 200 – 300 crowns, winter coat 800- documented in 1000 crowns, a suit 600 – 800 crowns, canvas 30 – 50 crowns for 1 m. There was also an inventory of brass objects, underwear, feathers, etc.. People kept these items for fear, so that they are not disrupted. In year 1917 a 18 it was forbidden for Dušičky to put candles on the graves in the cemetery. In year 1917. baking buns and croissants was prohibited.

For lack of soap, people cooked it themselves, especially from dead pigs. In year 1918. you got almost nothing to buy even for money, there was an exchange trade. The townspeople brought jewelry, skin, traffic, spirits, boxes, kerosene; our people gave them flour for it, bread, jam, eggs, ointments and other food articles. However, they imported grain from the lower villages hidden under the straw, they got the wood for us, wine, fruits, etc.. I believe a lot of poor people have come after people, while for a reasonable price he got something under the teeth of starving children at home and it rarely happened, that when he carried it blissfully, met the gendarmes, who took it from him mercilessly. Every day of the last year of the war was a day of struggle for a piece of bread! At this time, there was a great deal of mistrust among the people. He trusted only the most famous out of fear, not to be given away, that he has at home 2 – 3 kg of flour wrongly obtained. However, not enough of these hardships, in year 1918. a Spanish disease was brought to the village (chripka), many people fell ill. Smokers have also suffered a lot. The state allocated very little smoke and a few more tobacco rolls rolled into the mill., or elsewhere. Well, the smoker had to be satisfied, that he has a ticket. Although several newsagents were sold in the village, but at a very high price. At the newsagents after the arrival for 2 days were like after the fire.

Tobacco was also grown in the field, in the gardens, but he was bad at smoking, because people couldn't work for him. Many smoked pickaxes, clover corn hair and other substitutes, however, the smell was unbearable, especially in public rooms, šenkoch, stations, trains.

School children and teachers were ordered to collect and dry blackberry and strawberry leaves for soldiers for tea, collect nettle for fabric production, collect metals, clothing, laundry, papier, rubber, etc..

War loans.
War loans were listed gradually 1. – 8. People were challenged and forced by all means (the soldier was given leave, if the parents have signed a loan) to subscribe. He was happy, who sold them during the war, because after her they became almost worthless. Vojtech and Blanka Pálffy subscribed 800.000.- war loans, which were intended for the construction of a church and school, none of them got. There was about the people in the whole village 620.000 crowns subscribed.

Prices 1914 – 18.
Product prices and wages have changed almost every week and in every place. For the purpose of comparison, I present the following prices from years 1914. a 1918:


People at war.
At all, already described concerns, shortcomings were not forgotten by people on their loved ones at the front, in barracks and hospitals. To whom it was possible they attended them and each time brought as, such a packed package of food and delicacy. They sent to the front as small circumstances allowed 20 dkg packages. However, many of these did not get there. Military horrors on the fronts are indescribable. Telling soldiers from the front is a continuous chain of horrors, suffering, poverty. Whistle rifle bullets, thunderous roar del, šrapnelov explosion, land of ripping grenades, lamentation of the wounded and dying; village towns on fire, destroyed fields forests, it was a picture of war.

Nit divu, that the consequences were also terrible. The human mind and consciousness gradually dulled, all evil was taken for granted, lived from day to day, no one looked at the other, he had no attention and no sympathy for his fellow man had almost disappeared. Due to the long separation of the spouses, the marital loyalty allowed, for the war had lasted too long at those atrocities. No one cared about the future, the motto was to enjoy and use everything it provides today. The war did not only destroy the states and their laws, but also the morals of individuals. Theft, begging, crime, aversion to proper work, the clutter grew unimaginably, lead the horrors, regret, there was too much shortage.

Prisoners, legionnaires and the disabled.
On the side 7. a monument to the fallen soldiers with their names is described. Apart from these - they died as a result of the disease from the war: František Lederleitner 40 annual year 1932, Štefan Mičko 65 annual in. 1931, Russian legionary Ján Néky 37. A real home killer. in year 1930.
They returned from captivity: Bošmanský Anton Jr., Bosmansky Anton st. Cíferský Imrich, Citera Imrich, Frant. Gašparovič, Stefan Gazi, Imrich Gersic, Ferdinand Hattaš, Stefan Helt, Michal Helt, Peter Helt, Pavel Helt, Mikuláš Jankovič, Štefan Juráček, Anton Kelečeny, Ján Krchnák, Hubert Kubesch, František Lederleitner, Karol Miko, František Mruškovič came married to Russia, Jozef Porkert, František Šebora, Rudolf Šebora, Jozef Šikula, Martin Sasko, Edmund Strelka, Jozef Strelka, Alexander Strelka, Karol Strelka, Ondrej Schmid,

Jozef Schmid, František Švorc, Vojtech Frantenberger, Štefan Užovič, Vavro Wilfling, Ján Zelinka, Štefan Žofčík; as the legionnaires returned: Anton Aschenschwantner, Lenhard Lukačovič, Ján Néky, František Némety, Vincent Setnický, Jozef Hrdlička, Imrich Niedl, Vincent Setnický, Ján Vlašek.
There were many wounded, of them I mention only those, who are disabled above 30 %. František Švorc, both legs amputated above the knees. Vojtech Wilfhing, amputee. right hand. Stefan Soldan right leg, Ján Hostin both legs badly wounded, rheumatism, heart defect. Viktor Svoreň, wounded both legs and head. John Gregor, left hand, Emanuel Krchnák, curves on the right leg due to a fracture. Leonhard Myslík wounded leg, Imrich Vlašek, frozen feet, severely injured hand.
In August 1917 the first prisoners from Russia came home. They were locked up in observation camps, where contagious diseases and political credibility were examined. They were released from the camp on vacation, then they underwent disciplinary training and were sent back to the queues. However, most of them did not come to the front, they used all sorts of figures, just to be in the background. Discipline from the army dropped a lot. Soldiers marching in Bratislava around the monument to Maria Theresa (which had her right hand outstretched as if pointing) they shouted loudly: "You see, Maria Theresa already shows us, that with such an army (are us) you will not win that war. ”Many of the soldiers destined for the front hid at home, in forests, in relatives, they didn't want to go to the front anymore.

The gendarme stations have been reinforced, the "deserters" gave them a lot of work. Even the entire battalion of the army once surrounded the whole village and captured many soldiers, who came home "black", or "extended" the leave, which was obvious to every soldier. A "green cadre" made up of refugees stayed in our mountains, our people have made him very friendly. The army had to fight strong with this cadre, the scavenger was heavily armed, but he could not seize it, the Austro-Hungarian army was falling apart, the army left the front, Arrived: